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Talk To You lyrics

Its a place at the end of the road, and there is a time after every show
Where I don t want to talk to no one
Well you say, At least someone is loving you , I know.
I just think they need a better reason though
And I don t want to talk to no one
I just wanted to talk to you
Well you search for love and you search for happiness
And you come to find, there is a difference
So you search for wisdom and you search for truth
And all you find is quiet, maybe it finds you
"Its the (sweetest) sadness not a kin to pain
And resembles sorrow only as mist resembles the rain"
Its a silence that you can almost hear
Its a love that you could almost fear, but you don t have to
You ve been holding all of this in, so you start holding out
For something new, I m sure. We all figure (hope) there is something more
But if you are miserable when you find what is true
Then maybe truth, that wasn t ever what you were really looking for
May it find you though
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