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A Walk Across The

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song lyrics
A Walk Across The Rooftops lyrics

I walk across the rooftops
I follow a broken Thread
Of white rags falling slowly down
Flags caught on the fences

I am in love, I am in love with you
I am in love, I am in love with you

I walk across the rooftops
The jangle of Saint Steven s bells
The telephones that ring all night

I am in love, I am in love with you
I am in love, I am in love with you

The traffic lights are changing
The black and white horizon
I leave the quiet redstone
And walk across the rooftops

I walk across the rooftops
On graduation day
To look for independence, yeah

I am in love, I am in love with you
I am in love, I am in love with you

The lights are always changing
The black and white horizon
I leave the redstone building
And walk across the rooftops, yeah

I walk across the rooftops

I walk across the rooftops

I walk across the rooftops
song lyrics

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