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Diamonds In The Coal lyrics

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Diamonds In The Coal lyrics

by trade
>From a part of Pennsylvania even Jesus couldn t
With towns named after Indian cheifs and Union
Army Generals
It s nowhere in particular but everywhere in
History says Americans we have the right to
But they never mention those of us whose
opinions aren t used
Well the big flood came in 72 and tore the
railroad bridges down
Washed away our only means of getting
shipments out of town
And the government won t subsidize rebuilding
the Central line
So there s barroom fights and anthracite and
loads of extra time
History says Americans we have the right to
But they never mention those of us whose
opinions aren t used
There s diamonds in the coal everybody
A man never finds what he ain t looking
A tree only grows if you nurture the
There s too many gems this world doesn t
The people left like rainwater flowing through
an open drain
But here I sit too proud to admit and too damn
old to change
Now, the monuments at Gettysburg keep the
tourists going there
But we died too slow and quietly for anyone
to care
History says Americans we have the right to
But they never mention those of us whose
opinions aren t used
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