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Just One Moment lyrics

Written by Alexander
Quote: A man is rich in proportion to the things
        he can afford to let alone   (Henry David Thoreau)
Hypocrisy as it oughta be, that s called good business
Sometimes it really bothers me how I got in this
Took this job a-thinkin I d be movin up someday
Been too busy drinkin to be carin either way
The wife she ain t been workin cause her time is growin near
But the IRS ain t takin no sabbaticals this year
Been working on commission against weekly guarantees
This soldier s on a mission but it ain t for charity
Give me just one moment with the wheel between my hands
Just one moment, I ll make you understand
Don t confuse all the games you lose with failing as a man
Just one moment, I ll show you who I am
Went in to see the boss man to ask him for a raise
Never did quite understand all the reasons that he gave
His 8" x 10" of Jesus had turned it s back to me
I guess mortal men can t comprehend that dense morality
So I bought my wife some roses, and tied them with a bow
Called the boss up at 3 AM and I told him where to go
Now we re driving down the highway back to where we first began
With me back in the driver s seat and her holding my hand
Repeat Chorus
Terry Mingle
Cornell Univ.
Physiology Dept.
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