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Sister Shirley lyrics

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song lyrics
Sister Shirley lyrics
Everyone that should has got their dark glasses on
But it s not as warm as I expected
I ve paraded your photo through San Mateo
Dreamin 86 was resurrected


And some thought they d seen you, sister Shirley
I swear I saw you meeting them
With better clothes and a different smile
Where on Earth should I begin

Northern California s got that brochure appeal
But where s the wine that you poeticized
Nineteen and pregnant and hatin the means
You responded to your thought dream cries


Sun affirms the Bayshore Freeway, the moon burns bright in Burlingame
Two weeks straight our Daily Bread s conclusions turn the same
Face me if and when I face you, black and white, how we embrace you

We love you and we hate you


What s your name now, sister Shirley
Did you run to better ground
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