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Amazons From Outer Space lyrics

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Amazons From Outer Space lyrics

Amazons from outer space
Walkin down the street late one night
It came from up above it was a big red light
It went so fast I couldn t believe my eyes
It was a UFO that came up from the sky
Four green women as nice as they could be
Walked out of the saucer and they waved hello at me
They giggled and they growled it was a sight to behold
But I could guess the story that they told
They were amazons from outer space
Took me in their saucer was a real gone place
Four green women in a UFO
They took me in and growled ?Well we need you so
They came from a planet where no man has ever been
As they saw me walking it was the best they ve ever seen
They took me in their saucer and they treated me real good
As I learned to speak their language it was quickly understood
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