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Stop The Bleeding lyrics

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song lyrics
Stop The Bleeding lyrics
Songwriters: Vik, Jorma; Caughthran, Matt; Tweedy, James; Ford, Joby J.;

Dry the blood, I m done
Feeling the separation
I m sick of your dried blood
This is self control

Stop this standard, it never stops
It s not gonna stop
The shame you feel
When you re alone

Tragic, non-stop, wake up
And die, madness, weak will dead
Weight is not the answer
I tried for years just to finalize

I tried to cut the vein
Instead dry the blood
Dry the blood
Separation done

Stops this standard, it never stops
It never stops
The shame you feel
When you re alone

Someone stop the bleeding
Fall in love, alone
Tell me there is a balance
That is self control

Stop this standard, someone stop the bleeding
Addictions I have gone cold
Give me sense of balance
That isn t self control

Can someone stop the bleeding?
Addictions, I control
Someone stop the bleeding
Someone stop the bleeding
song lyrics

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