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From Wherever Wherever lyrics

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So & So So & So From Wherever Wherever lyrics
So & So From Wherever Wherever you re a fool for everything like to think that you re immune to the stuff you re gonna have to face it I m a fool for not thinking that things would turn out this way it s closer to the truth to say you re full of shit so & so he has a job gets up at a certain time goes to a certain place it s not what he would choose to do takes a lot of pride in his work just does it for the money and the opportunity so & so so & so from wherever wherever so & so so & so from wherever wherever so & so so & so from wherever wherever more or less a waste of flesh so & so so & so from wherever wherever don t be so hard on yourself you re so insecure you probably think this song s about you there s plenty of flesh to go around besides it s not like you are not using it and who is who to say what flesh should do so & so so & so from wherever wherever and who should have it for that use so & so so & so from wherever wherever so & so so & so from wherever wherever so & so so & so from wherever wherever wherever (15x)
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