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At The End lyrics

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At The End lyrics

A serenade full of madness,
reminds me of you of my life and my fate...
Condemned mortal,
for the pain I was living in my dreams for all eternety.
Your seductive elegancy,
that turns me on Diabolical beauty that enchants my mind.
You atract my infinite lust for your inhuman being
you re my godes and for you my life and being.
I can t escape of your virtual mask of sorrow you caught me
in my schizophrenic moments of need.
Onwards you, possessing me in your insistent lust.
Erotic princess you are cold as the stone.
You re a game full of hallucinative perversion with thousands colors,
aromas and sensations of another astral dimension.
All my feelings are now growing in your madness.
My soul is confused and my mind can t hate at all.
You are my destiny, before you I summit.
With your beauty hypnotizing eyes violently end my peace.
I turn to you, await for this moment to come.
I can t escape of your virtual mask of sorrow you caught me
in my schizophrenic moments of need.
Onwards you, possessing me in your insistent lust.
Erotic princess you are cold as the stone.
You dance I sing for my saying that you ll be at my side every night.
You dance I sing for my saying that you ll be at my side every night.
Waiting for this neverending abyss to be filled with the dawn after my death.
I am your Master you are my slave
And you ll be all the time until the end.
Beg for mercy, let me free.
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