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Cosmic Prophecies lyrics

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Cosmic Prophecies lyrics

Everything will change this cosmic energy
will rule over a destiny that waits somewhere between the light
where the stars shine on up in the skies.
Earth beyond the moon death as life s source.
The beginning of the age where the secret of life is kept.
An emerald laying in the middle of the lake.
A place in the water where the flowers open their petals to the light.
One symbol representing the cosmic cycles of life in order to make us rise.
Earth beyond the moon death as life s source.
The beginning of the age where the secret of life is kept.
Everything will change this cosmic energy will rule over a destiny
that waits somewhere between the light where the stars shine on up in the skies.
Lost in the ignorance of existence a pale ray of light is saving us from the deepest dark
and answering to all of us to those why.
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