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Into The Grave lyrics

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song lyrics
Into The Grave lyrics

Words and music by Randy Palmer.
Instrumentation: Rhythm and Lead guitars: Randy Palmer;
Bass guitar: Mike Matthews; Drums: Geof O?Keefe;
Vocals and Background guitar: Bobby Liebling.

You stand alone, hoping for a star
As she moves away, friends drift afar.
You know, people have no reason to stay;
People turn their heads and then walk away.

Step down lower, into the grave. Step down lower, into the grave.

No one cares just about how you feel
?Cause the things you do are strange indeed.
You call out but no one is there, No one nearby, no one to care.

Then you met a life-long friend
But I think he?ll leave you ?round the bend.
He ain?t what he seems to you today;
Tomorrow he?ll lead you to your grave.
So you live all your bloodshot dreams
But no longer hear the female screams.
Death to some, it seems very bad,
But Death to you?s the best friend you?ve had.
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