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The Michael Keaton Backslash lyrics

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The Michael Keaton Backslash lyrics

moderation has never been one of my. strong suits me fine. so if you re out past ten, and you see me then. please send me home. before apathy turns to atrophy, and i stop listening. i kill myself to feel alive, i time release my suicide. bad days justify. we re fighting ourselves for our lives. one more shot to all of the kids who stand outside. i know that i m off the mark. but i like to think i tried. what i hold dear has lost its shine. did i give up or did it die. aspiration, another drive that i want to die. each and every day, another chance for me. to make a change. no matter what i do, or how hard i try. they end the same. so if you re out past ten, and you see me then. please send me home
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