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The World Is Going To

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The World Is Going To Hell, We Don t Have A Record Deal And I ve Never Been Happier In My Life lyrics

right now, it s time to put your name on the line. you ve wanted you ve waited for it all this time. they ve set your price, will you sell. or can you hold on to this when there s nothing else. inside, you know this is life. depression, passion, leaving love behind. don t lie to yourself. you ve got to think of all the reasons that you re doing fine. you ll sign and then you ll sing. they ll market everything. poison everything you love. sell it to the one s you hate. you ll sign and then you ll scream. remember everything. the only thing you love. and the job it just became. you re all a part of the scenery to me. open, you ve got to open your eyes. it s money that they re driven by. when you are thrown up against the wall. will they follow you or will you fall. inside, will you survive. your passion, depression, all you left behind. no need to fight, this is only your life. just close your eyes and hope it turns out right
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