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If I Had A

If I Had A mp3 songs

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song lyrics
If I Had A Son lyrics
My son, my seed, my name, my need
Believe, belong, be loved, be strong
cause everyoneis down on you
And they ll walk out on you
Try not to let division overwhelm your trust
Left out, let down, cast out
Enough, move on, be proud, endowed
cause everyone here is down on you
And they will denigrate your will
In spite still please
them til you overwhelm them
humble everyone
Minus, Divide, equate each side
That s all a lie connect, decide
cause everyone here is down on you
and they walk out on you
try not to let it overwhelm you
Everyone here will complicate your world
And they ll extract the value
Try not to, let the problems overwhelm you
Get over everyone
My son speed low
song lyrics

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