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Not A Dull Moment lyrics

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Not A Dull Moment lyrics
I remember well the smell of tequila
One bed, one bath, two months with Steph
Drinkin up the sunrise
Then sleep till eight at night
I had a ten day birthday till Thanksgiving
We burnt the bird and hit the road
Blur in stereo, sonic bookmarks and bad scenes
But not a dull moment, I barely miss living in Los Angeles
Only took a week to start the warfare
Eccentric neighbors on welfare
The turntable spun to the beat of pounding on the walls
We d sink another drink with Billy Idol
Have sloppy sex on the living room floor
A whirlwind of simple pleasure principal
Principles are gone
It s not a dull moment
I barely miss living in that selfish bliss with Steph
And I always have the past to be warned
And I always knew the last laugh was more
And I can taste the gold ring tarnish in my mouth
And I need a drink to wash it out
It s not a dull moment
I barely miss living in that state of filth
So I cleaned the yard, the yard, the yard
Mow the lawn, scrub the stained rug
So what? It s safe and sound I have found
song lyrics

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