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Off The Wagon lyrics

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song lyrics
Off The Wagon lyrics
The ring like a stain in the wood
A drink from years ago I m sure
A black and white on the wall from years ago when we were good
This house is a pain station
Awaiting blueprints for relief
The party s finally over
And everyone else had to leave
It binds you, reminds me
Pick up the grocery for your head
Take this invitation
Please don t waste another day
Hold my hands above my head
This ride is misery
Between the bars you re clinging to a world of cold embrace
I m still here to remind you
The world hasn t changed
You re still alone
"No more pretending for him"
A hopeless voice cracks on the phone
It s deafening, reminds me pick up the passport for your trip
Take this one
It s leaving
It s the last bound for repair
I ll be here relieving all your loves and all your cares
If there were words to give you hope
If you would treasure all you have
They d believe in you my friend
So long, so long
I ll keep the gold
song lyrics

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