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B4 Its 2 L8 lyrics

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song lyrics
B4 It s 2 L8 lyrics

I won t break
I might bend
But I won t break
Spinning round
I hit the ground
And lift back up to see

Well nothing s changed
It s all the same

Why can t we all just be happy
Can t you see I m trying
We should just take it all away
Before it is too late

I will try
I might lose
But I will try
Cause at least I said I did it

When you see the price you pay
Then maybe we might change

Why can t we all just be happy
Can t you see I m trying
We should just take it all away
Before it is too late

The wide open eyes
Emotions run dry
The face beneath
the rest is this the question why
It s gonna be too late

The wide open eyes
Emotions run dry
The face beneath
The rest is this the question why
It s gonna be too late

The wide open eyes
Emotions run dry
The face beneath
The rest is this the question why
The lessons I can best describe
The answers ??
This lies long the one who gets to try

Why can t we all just be happy
Can t you see I m trying
We should just take it all away
Before it is too late

Before it is too late
Before it is too too late
No don t let it be late, no, no
song lyrics

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