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Not My Fault lyrics

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song lyrics
Not My Fault lyrics

You know I felt much better when I had you
With me the thunder and lightning was so beautiful
But I awoke from my dream just like I always seem to
It all feels so real

So everybody I know, they know me well
Enough to know to get close, is hard as hell
But that don t mean you shouldn t try
I really think you should try

I ve tried to fight it, but now I am on my knees

It s not my fault
If I can t hold on, I m not that strong
No, it s not my fault
Can t you just play along with me

It s been so long since we slept in the same bed
It s hard to get me alone or get inside my head
Would you prefer me to fake it and cry instead
You say it s like I m dead

And you tried to fight it, but now you re on your knees


I find that everything I try always falls apart
Crashes and dies and
I find the strength to try again
Oh I fall to my knees, and pray to begin, oh

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