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Ma Jolie lyrics

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song lyrics
Ma Jolie lyrics

Rows of condos and birds as helicopters
I had a headache when you left give up something
and it s luke warm blood telephones
have eyes to tip out feelings to dropping off
like guns and flies

Take her down to the river
and she would walk
right over the water
take him down to that goddamn river

Full of visuals and half wit harlequins
it s full of smiles and laughter
we ll weed them out like dandelions
and your arms like batteries and you arms
are chandeliers bought a ticket to
the picture show to rip down feelings
move these walls inside myself
i lost my car keys underneath
the palm tress and city lights
avert my eyes to move northwest
This is a poem, a combination
of a sentence broken up to form
a rhythm. you are a poem little pieces
of my senses broken up to form an image

Take her down to the river
and she would walk
right over the water
take him down to that goddamn river
he would drag you straight down to the bottom
song lyrics

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