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Seven Stop Hold Restart lyrics

Seven Stop Hold Restart lyrics mp3 songs

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song lyrics
Seven Stop Hold Restart lyrics
You need a gun and a signal for vultures
You need a net to catch all that you re seeing
Floors long enough to scrape all of your knuckles
To the bones and then back home

This is a fence line for scarecrows and buzzards
And all the books that you re reading and reading
Department store mistakes all of your worries away
the city tallest drink couldn t make up your pavement

This hill has pipes coming out of its sides
With concrete poles down holes to shake your ass to the concrete sound
And downtown the people is moving and moving, I ll never know what is held onto
And I am nine years old with short legs and all

Late at night, calling to get some prices well I got a bright idea for you
It s in the smoke alarms and all these things on my ceiling
We could use more up there they work out really well

These are the pants that fit me, these are the suits on hold
I want to move to your town, jump and really smell the people running around

Baby, if you want to, you can swallow me bones and all
Your golden tongue was disconnected with one sound
song lyrics

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