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Race Defects lyrics

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Race Defects lyrics

All through life looking for answers
Finding nothing to make beliefs reality
So many religions - Who is right or wrong?
Probably no one - Soon man will be dead and gone
Wars across the globe - Taking lives of the innocent
Leaders not caring - Protected and safe
Too many problems for this race to solve
Ceasing to exist - Another form will evolve

Humans - Animals of great intelligence
Build destructive tools - Structures already built
Crumbling! - Powered by their ignorance
Killing themselves off
Is there life in the future for the young?
Seems bleak - Time will tell

Expendable citizens ask no questions - Blinded
Brainwashing society - Doing nothing about this dying world
Marked for disaster - Who will win?
World around us - Disturbing sight
You see no end

Such a waste bowing down - We never change
Mistakes meant to teach - Arguing over the truth
Can t accept the fact we all have our opinions
Reasons for life remain unexplained
song lyrics

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