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Some Things Dont Matter lyrics

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Some Things Don t Matter lyrics

This boy, breezes in from the South Wells. This boy, sees his days in the Middle East. This boy, eased his way up the silver turns, but what is that, when this boy, he needs love, he needs love.

This boy, thought he had found his girl. This boy, ought to have kept that girl. This boy, caught up in the wheels of fate, this boy deserves, oh this boy, he needs love, an everlasting love. He needs love. Oh this boy, he knows, how to feel, the blood in his heart runs strong as ?, this boy only knows what s real, so give him love, an everlasting love. Give him love. Oh this boy, he s got a, heart of gold and gold s the most precious thing, you could ever hold and if his heart is made of that, what ? ? be told, just give him love, an everlasting love. Give him love.

This boy, breezes in from the, South Wells. This boy, sees his days in the Middle East. This boy, eased his way up the silver turns but what is that this boy deserves, oh he needs love, an everlasting love. Give him love. Oh give it to him, he needs it now, an everlasting, everlasting, everlasting, everlasting love
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