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The Ceiling On The

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The Ceiling On The Wall lyrics

I ve lost my marbles, I ve lost my marbles

I ve lost my marbles - Now What Can I Do?!?!

The door was open when the filaments decided to unfurl
And went a bowling up the sky, I
tried, to batter them back in a line

But H2 stole the best of me

Arch eyebrows jackets cufflinks chains
Compartmentalize my brain
But they can never take the memory of
The better man I used to be
The rightly in the rest of me
If I could take you to
The Mountains of the Moon
Hiding underneath the noonday gloom
You wouldn t have to see me fall here daily
Don t let the ceiling on the wall derail me

Will I return to you
Will they turn the proper screw
Will the morning whistle blow anew
Your every sympathetic look could save me
Don t let the ceiling on the wall derail me
Don t let the ceiling fail me
I ve never seen a ceiling fall
I m never gonna get that far

I ve lost my marbles, I ve lost my marbles
I ve lost my marbles - Now What Can I Do?!?!

In motion memory we all burn
The ball attempts another turn
But as the energies oblige the sky
I m caught in the blink of an eye
Your ship is sailing out of me

And so I go from day to day
So little reason in the rhyme
With the only consolation prize
As nothing but chemical lies
Souvenirs of symmetry


The operation put the ceiling on the wall...
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