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Six Foot Revolver lyrics

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song lyrics
Six Foot Revolver lyrics

To feel the same, as you look into these eyes.
Did you ever think that you would be here?
Here, alone, for life.
To drag it down, when what you mean is to take control.
The failure that takes the hardest fall as you go.
I give this to you -- it s everything I d ever have.
I m falling into all these places that we had.
A few too late, nothing to do with it.
And when it s done, I put my face against your gun.
It happened all so fast.
I didn t feel a thing.
Those watchful eyes stare at me as I dream.
My forgiveness is for you, regretfully the truth.
From all of this, I haven t felt the same.
From all of this.
To run and hide from what you ve been through.
To ever think I could not trust you.
Whenever you want, I ll be there.
Wherever you want, I ll be there.
It ended all so fast, I didn t feel a thing.
Those watchful eyes stare at me as I dream.
My forgiveness is for you, regretfully the truth.
From all of this I haven t felt the same.
To feel the same, as you look into these eyes.
To feel the same, as you look into these eyes.
song lyrics

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