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Tendency lyrics

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Tendency lyrics

I mean everything that falls out my mouth,
When I throw my arms around you.
I love you like family,
I love you like you don t know,
When I throw my arms around you.

I know I dance like a drunken arse,
Every weekend, it s my only vice.
Let me drink myself to death
To forget about the rent.
Money gets like a twisted snake,
Hissing, ?I ll show you more if you meet me here.
Come over, come over, come over here!

And if I said, This is my only tendency,
This is all I have left, you see.
Would you believe me?
Would you believe me now?

You think that it s not enough?
Well Fella, I m all grown up.
It s clear that we don t breath the same air.
Well I m moving on and up,
But I m still the boy you knew
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