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The Reason Is lyrics

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song lyrics
The Reason Is lyrics
How long will this go on, this pain and emptiness?
I only wan t to see you smiling, i want to be free from all of this.
Another moment on from the freedom i dreamt so long about for you and i

And i don t know why the reason is that we are both here.

Impending liberation for all but me, the space of emptiness.
I d waver a million times, be too under to see your preciousness.
And our love will live on even when we die, i ve dreamt so long about a place for you and i to live,
to live and remember, this life.

And i don t know why the reason is that we are both here.

Well sure now at least shall find it.
Now i know the way i wan t to give it to you.
And where-ever i go i wan t to take you there.
At least we shall live.

And i don t know why the reason is that we are both here.
And time it passes by but we are not to fear.
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