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Washington Tube Steak lyrics

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song lyrics
Washington Tube Steak lyrics
Who s world is this? Who s maddening world
is this turned upside down or is right-side up
with peaceful lives now put at risk
It s Thickening.
It s so Sickening.
Might makes right but within our short sight.
we can t see this light has no end in sight.
to destroy that which we protect
cutting our throats to save our necks
And it s thickening, It s so sickening.
And if it would end
would this madman be your friend
when the cost is the freedom lost.
Lay down.

And you can tell me that you have heard.
Now tell me what s going on.
And you can tell me all that you have read.
Now tell me what s going on.
And you can tell me that you believe
but what the fuck is going on...with this world?
Madmen roam this earth.
I d be a fool to say I approve
when they refuse to give us anything
but untainted views
I don t trust one word.

Pax Americana infidelis
will be the next cry of the world.
Hold on to what you ve got. Hold on to all you ve thought.
400 billion won t buy us peace of mind.
But just keep that to yourself.
Who are you to say we ve got nothing to fear
once we ve wiped the board clear
when madmen become kings (stand clear).
song lyrics

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