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Lift The Veil Kiss

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song lyrics
Lift The Veil, Kiss The Tank lyrics

here comes the man with concussions in his pocket.
here comes the man with a laser-guided rocket.
here comes the man with a fistful of pills so you can kill with no remorse,
with no recourse, dance on your conscience until it s a corpse.
war never ends.
war never begins.
hoist up the hag of destitution!
his mouth s an empty room where wild woes wander.
young machetes in lingerie charm us all into a frenzy.
his mouth s an empty hole full of quadriplegics.
here comes the man.
so you charge into battle, muscles rippling, tanks tingling.
before you fire a shot a white flash feels up your flesh
and cloaks you in a robe of blood, maydays you in a ship of mud.
war never ends.
war never begins.
hoist up the hag of destitution!
his mouth s an empty room where wild woes sleep sow.
young machetes in lingerie charm us all into a frenzy.
his mouth s an empty hole full of quadriplegics.
they left you for dead in the desert haunted with the ghosts of prostitutes.
they want you!
they want you!
dress my corpse up in a low-cut dress.
drizzle lipstick on my charred french kiss.
dip my severed jaw in cheap cologne, push-up bras dangling from snapped elbows.
but death s just death no matter how you dress it up.
song lyrics

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