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Heavent lyrics

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Heaven t lyrics
Your beauty sky is gray sometimes
A lot of isolation, a lot of?
Last breath is leave your mouth
A lot of hate, a lot of?
Civilizations before burning
A lot of pain, a lot of heart
The people after humanity
Sorry, I can t fight. I m too old - inside
See the art - use your mind, start the game hold the change
Love-cry, pride-fate, peace-war, crime-time, power, lie, whore, die,
We re the answers for your questions.
Mi vagyunk a v?laszok a k?rd?seitekre
You lived in my dream, you were strong and beauty, you were a nice tree you are in a nice tree today, suicide,
insane against the soul (you re dead), soul against the mind, mind against the fight, fight against the fear, fear against the world, world against God, God against the world...
World against the world,
God, fear, soul
Mind, fight, world
Heaven t
Today nothing, leave me alone
Life - machine - human
Human heaven t.
song lyrics

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