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I Never Lost You lyrics

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song lyrics
I Never Lost You lyrics

If I had nickel
For every nickel I ve had
I d be rich now
But they Tempt and they tickle
They trickle right out of my hands
Like love somehow
I think of the heartache, the pain,
and the cost
The friends and the fortunes I ve gained
and I ve lost
But I never lost you
No, I never lost you
I don t know how I ve managed to hold onto
Something so true
But I never lost you
Some things were stolen
Others were simply misplaced
And unrecovered
Like undying loyalty
Conviction and trust and faith
In another
I just keep letting it go til it s gone
Til all I have left is the one who held on
But I never lost you
No, I never lost you
Lost everything else, I even lost myself
A time or two
But I never lost you
But I never lost you
No, I never lost you
I don t know how I ve managed to hold onto
Something so true
But I never lost you
song lyrics

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