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Higher Than The Sun lyrics

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Higher Than The Sun lyrics

So now you re finally here, beyond the reach fear
Just fell the wave come in, so far from where you ve beem
There s a kind of stranger waiting at the door
Some kind of nervous stranger, never seen before
Dark and brooding day crystal moon at night
Silvery shadows calling fantasy or flight

This won t take too long, I m not so far away...
Before I am gone, you ll know me inside and outside
I am here to change your world in every way
Which way do you fall, Lightside or Darkside?

Higher than the sun
Above the clouds that hide reality away
I ll take you there, I ll take you there
Higher than the sun
Between the heavens and the demons of the day
I ll take you there, I ll take you there

Never turn your back, don t try to walk away
Something inside is burning deeper everyday
Dark and brooding day crystal moon at night
Silvery shadows calling fantasy or flight

Deep inside your soul I m hiding, holding on
Breath in the fear and feed me, inside and outside
Unchain your confusion, I ll soon be gone
Let your spirits fly to the lght beyound
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