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Summer Staffers lyrics

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song lyrics
Summer Staffers lyrics

Pardon me, your good ol paycheck is showing (Mike)
I couldn t help but note the lack of "zeroes" there
I flip my lid over what I do not get
Cause I see (that) Scott doesn t even care
We gotta come together, and pull a giant Navy Seal
*We re Summer Staffers, and we live in Victory Hall
We live where guys and girls can t share the same floor
We have history full of volleyball
And we are Summer Staffers who decorate each others doors*
A day in pantry is only the beginning
We take on charecter with every Navy Seal
This thing of beauty is called "Melvin s clothes heist."
By Scott s design, we have lights out... GET REAL!
We gotta come together, aren t we all related after all?
Ignorance has wronged some pranks
And vengeance is 220 s
If we aspire to own fish (tanks)
S and C are plenty
Well, just a day in the shoes of a conference guest
Should make it easy for you to see
That these wacko rules do more than make us druel
As a part of our environment
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