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Word Warrior lyrics

Word Warrior lyrics mp3 songs

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song lyrics
Word Warrior lyrics

A relentless pounding beat
Herad clearly in a world of conformity
A restless heart, a drum
Word Warrior
Lives in the second stares
in the whispering
disapproval emanating from dull eyes
These stares used to cut like knives
He tripped
and maintained a balance
Somewhere an angel heard
She offered him a hand and heart
Together they stand still
Wings and kisses entwined
A one man stand
Here he demands
Without singing
A barrage of mistrust and four letter words
Are spat like acid
At enemies, governments
and ignorance
Here he shines the brightest
blinding those
to afraid to break look
He is the only one.
I am the Lizard King, i can do everything
song lyrics

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