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Happy Dispatch lyrics

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Happy Dispatch lyrics

&quotHelp me!" scream these words from the TV nightly.
&quotMy family s been shot to death" seems to find no answer.
The music on the radio is louder then a death.
You tune in you turn it and then you switch it off.
The music on the radio is softer if the person that is dying is your family or your friend.
surreal twist of fate, they don t deserve to be there.
Victims of society most power is all formed from greed, why can t we see this?
Brothers sisters need to learn to love each other but who cares about this phrase if
I m so happy with my life
and all I ve done like the stuff I did in high school with my friends
can you even compete with the life that I have had brother cause if you can t shut it
I don t want to hear that about the way you re talking what you re doing.
See what the problem is, it s us!
If we just stand still, then we will realize that we are single minded
and we are self-centered!
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