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The Messiah lyrics

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song lyrics
The Messiah lyrics
Take him down, take him down
Move him gently, hold his head
Wipe his face, clean the blood off
Lay him here, wrap him in this cloth

Lift him up, lift him up
Move him easy, careful now
He s the Messiah

Tears are filling, eyes of sorrow
Hands are touching, no one s speaking
His eyes are empty, skin s so white
His body s cold, it has no life

He s the Messiah
He s the Messiah

Go! Into the world and tell
All of creation he lives
He lives in the hearts of men
He said, "Go! Into the world and tell
All of creation he lives
He lives in the hearts of men"

Dry your eyes, hold each other
Lift your thoughts, you are brothers
He s the Messiah

Don t be afraid, he has risen, he s not here
Why are you trembling with fear?
Just as he told you, just as he said
They could not stop him, he is not dead!

He s alive!
song lyrics

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