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Little Garvey lyrics

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song lyrics
Little Garvey lyrics

Hold them little Garvey, hold them!
Hold them big Marcus, hold them!
Show them we can get rough, hold them!

The Black Star Liner
People were traveling, sailing, traveling
People were traveling, sailing, traveling
People were having nice times
And taking care of business
Having nice times
And taking care of business

Hold them little Garvey, hold them!
Hold them big Marcus, hold them!
Show them we can get rough, hold them!

There is a black girl in the ring (in the ring)
There is a Korean girl in the ring (in the ring)
There is a white girl in the ring (in the ring)
They were traveling, sailing
On the Black Star Liner
Traveling, sailing
On the Black Star Liner

Hold them little Garvey, hold them
Hold them Big Marcus, hold them!
Show them we can get rough, hold them!

You heard about Garvey
And some elderly people
Were talking and discussing
Old Marcus Garvey

Hold them little Garvey, hold them
Hold them Big Marcus, hold them!
Show them we can get rough, hold them!

That clock was ringing in the square
Downtown in St.Ann s Bay
Surrounded by
Baptist Church surrounded by
Police station surrounded by
Fireman house surrended by
House of justice surrounded by
Post office surrounded by
Public market

Hold them little Garvey, hold them
Hold them Big Marcus, hold them!
Show them we can get rough, hold them!

First bag-a-wire
Jamaican version
Second bag-a-wire
American version
Sailing man trading

Hold them little Garvey, hold them
Hold them Big Marcus, hold them!
Show them we can get rough, hold them!

The red, the black, and the green
Was flying so high
The red, the white and blue
Was also flyin
And now they will know the truth
About Marcus Garvey

Hold them little Garvey, hold them
Hold them Big Marcus, hold them!
Show them we can get rough, hold them!

Big parade in the square of Harlem
Big parade in the square of Harlem
That clock was ringing in the square
We got to tell them that
Marcus Garvey
He has no fear

Hold them little Garvey, hold them
Hold them Big Marcus, hold them!
Show them we can get rough, hold them!
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