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Were In Yr Corner lyrics

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We re In Yr Corner lyrics

We?re In Yr Corner
(T. Singh)
Mar mar o?sharle(h)
Ekuh. Oshart mar mar
Ma rmar o?sharle(h)
Ekuh. Oshart mar mar
Raja Rani, Ek kahani
Shorti o?shari mar
Eh mar mar o?shaaaaarrrlllllll
Shorti shorti o?shari mar ? hanji
Mar mar o?sharle(h)
Ekuh. O?shari mar mar
Mar mar o?sharle(h)
Ekuh. O?shari mar mar
Raja Rani, Ek kahani
Shorti o?shari mar
Ek Bani ek Kahani mar o?sharrrrrllllll
Arja ? Ek mar mar O?shari
Hanji, Hasda Punjav
Tha(h) Jullander hasda
Sing: Mortey mortey mataey, mitti mitti lagardi
Mera(h) kore(h) te(h) chare(h)
Mere(h) nari arh
Hemi dervaja
Jhere ehse ameed nu band dar-sak-da(h)
That this truth can shut out
Mar mar o?sharte(h)
Ekuh. O?shari mar mar
Raja Rani, ek kahani
Shorti o?shari mar
Eh mar mar o?shaaarrrrllllll
Barkhlarff IBM tha Coca Cola, luk lamth
Mar mar o?sharte(h)
Ekuh. O?shari mar mar
Mar mar o?sharle(h)
Ekuh. O?shari mar mar
Raja Rani, ek kahani
Shorti o?shari mar
Ek bani ek kahani mar o?shaaarrrrllll
ek mar mas O?shari
IBM tha Coca Cola, muther fucker, Lak lamth
song lyrics

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