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Jattendais lyrics

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song lyrics
J attendais lyrics
Et j ecoutais longtemps couler l eau des fontaines
Et j ecoutais le vent chanter infiniment
Vagues de quietude et de paix
D aussi loin que je me souvienne
L enfance est un immense ocean

And I was listening a long time fountain s water pour

And I was listening the wind sing for ever

Waves of quietude and peace

As far as I remember

Childhood is an immense ocean
Et je revais longues annees, longue indolence
Ou rien ne se passe mais ou rien ne s oublie
J allais sereine et sans connaitre
Le moindre feu d une absence

And I dreamed long years, long indolence

Where nothing happens but where nothing is forgotten

I was going serene and without knowing

The smallest fire of an absence
Ce n est qu en te croisant
Que j ai su, j ai compris

That s only when meeting you

That I knew, I understood
J attendais, j attendais
J attendais ton regard pour expliquer enfin
Le pourquoi de ces au revoir
A tout ce long chemin

I was waiting, I was waiting

I was waiting your look to explain finally

The reason of these goodbyes

To that long road
J attendais, j attendais
Le pays de ton corps le toucher de tes mains
Ma douce boussole mon nord,
Le sens a mes demains

I was waiting, I was waiting

The country of your body the touch of your hands

My dear compass my north

The meaning to my tomorrows
Et j abordais les troubles rives adolescentes
Les doutes, les jeux, les mauvais courants
Je me souviens les coups de sang
Des musiques et des mots de France
Amants d avant

And I was boarding the adolescent beaches

Doubts, games, and bad flowings

I remember the strokes

Musics and words from France

Past lovers
Y a bien des vies qu on nourrit d etude ou de science
Destins faits d aventures, de records ou d argent
Des vies d ecriture et de voyage
Ou de reve de puissance
J y pensais bien de temps en temps,
En ecoutant le vent

There s a lot of lives feeded from studies or science

Destinies make from adventures, from records or money

Lives of writting and voyages

Or from puissance dream

I tought about that from time to time

Listening the wind
J attendais, j attendais
J attendais ton regard pour expliquer enfin
Le pourquoi de ces au revoir
A tout ce long chemin

I was waiting, I was waiting

I was waiting your look to explain finally

The reason of these goodbyes

To that long road
J attendais, j attendais, j attendais ton amour
Ton beau ton bel amour
Je l attendais pour enfin vivre
En donnant a mon tour

I was waiting, I was waiting I was waiting your love

Your lovely your beautiful love

I was waiting to finally live

By giving at my turn
J attendais

I was waiting
song lyrics

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