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A Man Inside My

A Man Inside My mp3 songs

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song lyrics
A Man Inside My Mouth lyrics

I woke up at seven and my body was vibrating
I was wrapped up in a blanket
I was grey
Damp and sore
The bedroom was an engine and my heartbeat was erratic
(Like I think I m at the racing
Like the night before)
I remember one girl standing
One was sitting on the ground
One was holding me up
The other pulling me down
And I couldn t decide which one was real
Because there wasn t a sound
(Like I was pregnant again... )

"Don t move don t blink don t think don t even breathe" she said
"Or the photograph will spoil
And cut you off at the head"
So I was sucking
I was sucking like a fat lady would
But I couldn t hold it down another second
"Don t twitch don t shout don t think don t even breathe" she said
"Or the photograph will spoil and cut you off at the head"
So I was sweating
I was sweating like a fat lady would...
And I woke up
With a man inside my mouth
(This won t hurt at all... )
song lyrics

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