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Hold On lyrics

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Hold On lyrics

Running wild, the city sleeps
You re waking up and you re feeling strong,
It wont take long, and once you re gone,
Where and why as you re moving on,
When you laugh, when you do
Who s gonna tell ya where s the truth,
Will you see it, will you try
I wanna love you but I don t know why

The morning colours you blue, in the night you re the king of taboo, though you never could explain, what s your game?

Hold on, what s going on?
Now you re stuck in the middle, come along
Hold on, what s going on?
cos you re stuck just a little, move along

Scared sea, we ve gotta try, your running was the reason why
Nightmares rising, so unchain
You never would lose but you played the game

The morning colours you blue and the night you re the king of taboo, the machine is running wild, the coolest tide

Hold on, what s going on?
Now you re stuck in the middle, come along
Hold on, what s going on?
cos you re stuck just a little, move along

Hold on, what s going on?
Now you re stuck in the middle, come along
Hold on, what s going on?
cos you re stuck just a little, move along

If you can hold on and, you can t deny your way
We re running out of better time

Where will you be? I wanna know it I don t wanna see
Now I can t even cry "I m done", cos you re stuck in the middle, come along

Hold on, what s going on?
Now you re stuck in the middle, come along
Hold on, what s going on?
cos you re stuck just a little, move along

Hold on, what s going on?
Butu re stuck in the middle, come along
Hold on, what s going on?
cos you re stuck just a little, move along
song lyrics

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