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A New Momentum lyrics

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song lyrics
A New Momentum lyrics

Should we ignore?
This was too intense
Too awful
Please stand still
To seize them all
His monetary gain equals
His monetary mind

And even if the saints
Gave their all
Like lions in the face
Of a growing crowd
Too little too late on the day
When all will fall

So drawing into
One another keeps momentum
Driving forward
Like a torching sun

Could sleep forever
In spite of this
A look so scared
Sitting here with nothing new
To add
And crying out
You never seemed force
Its just the kind of fuel
That I need to feel reborn

And feeding off the chase
Right before
Is like biting into ankles
Pulling round
To finish one more phase
Get the key
When all will fall

So drawing into
One another keeps momentum
Driving forward
Like a torching-

Learn to
To choose to
Then stitch your arm to me
Learn to
To choose to
Then stitch your arm to me
Learn to
To choose to
Then stitch your arm to me

So drawing into
One another keeps momentum
Driving forward
Like a torching sun
So drawing into
One another keeps momentum
Driving forward
Like a torching sun...
song lyrics

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