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Banks Of Newfoundland lyrics

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Banks Of Newfoundland lyrics

The Banks of Newfoundland
D                        G              D         A       D
On St. Patrick s Day the seventeenth from New York we set sail.
D                A     D                          A
Kind fortune did favor us with a sweet and pleasant gale,
D                 A    D                          A
We bore away from America; the wind being off the land.
G              D       G                  D             A   D
And with courage brave we plowed the waves bound down for NFLD.
D                     G            D     A        D
Our Captain s name was Nelson just twenty years of age.
D                   A      D                 A
As true and brave a sailor lad as ever plowed the waves.
D              A         D                   A
"The Evelyn" our brig was named belonging to MacLean.
G              D         G              D                A   D
And with courage brave we plowed the waves bound down for NFLD.
D                        G                 D           A    D
Now when three days out to our surprise the Captain he falls sick
D              A        D                    A
In short he was not able to take his turn on deck
D                   A         D                           A
The fever raged which made us think that death was close at hand,
G         D         G       D              A           D
So we bore away from Halifax bound down for Newfoundland.
D                      G                    D       A      D
Now at three O Clock we sighted a light that we were glad to see,
D                A           D                   A
The small pox had been raging; its what it proved to be,
D                        A         D              A
And at four O Clock in the afternoon as sure as God s command,
G         D         G      D              A          D
Oh he past away off Arichat bound down for Newfoundland.
D                     G                 WS: husky1
rec.music.folk: 4512

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