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Nancy Whiskey lyrics

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Nancy Whiskey lyrics

Nancy Whisky
I am a weaver a Carleton Weaver,I am a rash and a roving blade
I ve got money in my pocket and I m going to follow the roving trade
Whisky, Whisky, Nancy Whiskey. Whisky, Whisky Nancy-o.
As I went in to Glasgow City, Nancy Whisky I chanced to smell,
I went in and sat down beside her seven long years I looked her well.
The more I kissed her the more I loved her.
The more I kissed her the more she smiled.
Soon I forgot my mother s teaching, Nancy had me soon beguiled.
Now I arose early in the morning to wet my thirst it was my need
I tried to rise but I was not able, Nancy had me by the knees.
Well I m going back to the Carleton weaving,
I ll surely make those shuttles fly,
For I made more at the Carleton weaving than ever I did at the roving trade
So come all you weavers;you Carleton weavers
Come all you weavers where ever you be.
Beware of Whisky Nancy Whisky, She ll ruin you like she ruined me.
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