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Oidhche Mhath Leibh lyrics

Oidhche Mhath Leibh lyrics mp3 songs

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song lyrics
Oidhche Mhath Leibh lyrics
This is a very well known song, and is usually sung at the end of
traditional ceilidhs. We even had a rendition of it last weekend in London
at the ceilidh there! it is called Oidhche mhath leibh, which translates
to "Goodnight to you"
Although the song loses a lot in translation, the English words are
stirring nonetheless.
Soraidh leibh is oidhche mhath leibh,
Oidhche mhath leibh s beannachd leibh;
Guidheim slainte ghna h bhith mar ribh,
Oidhche mhath leibh s beannachd leibh.
Farewell and goodnight to you,
Goodnight and blessings upon you;
let me wish health always to be with you,
Goodnight to you and blessings upon you.
Chan eil inneal ciuil a ghleusar
Dhuisgeas smuain mo chleibh gu aoibh
Mar ni duan o bheoil nan caileag,
Oidhche mhath leibh s beannachd leibh.
There is not a musical instrument that is played
Which awakens the thoughts of my heart to joy
As does a song from the lips of the lassies,
Goodnight and blessings upon you.
There s another 5 verses, but I don t have translations for them !
song lyrics

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