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Grab A Hold lyrics

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Grab A Hold lyrics

Going to make a confession
Going to hope that you listen
I m not a story you ve read about
I m just what i am
And when you open your eyes up
In the morning you rise up
Wash yesterday form your face
And make a new plan

Oh it s my fascination with the anticipation

If you want to grab a hold
If you want to grab a hold
If you want to grab a hold
Let it go..

I m going to write down a letter
And maybe some day you ll get it
And know what i meant to say
And make it ok
And if ya look at my picture
You know the one on your dresser
And if you think that you see a frown
Turn me upside down

Why don t you use your imagination?
Make it what you have to make it

If you want to grab a hold..
Let it go...

You get your grip,
I ll hold you up.
Just reach with your hand
And then use your imagination
Make it want you have to make it

If you want to grab a hold..
Let it go...
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