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I Always Hated Dancing

I Always Hated Dancing mp3 songs

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song lyrics
I Always Hated Dancing With A Burning Mannequin lyrics

Run, you still run, run with blood
- And your so-called faith -

On a circle line
Don?t beat down
On a lost pride

A fading gracious beauty
Killing precious lives
With a white knife
And a black soul

We will feed you with thistless
And that?s why we?re back

You?re locked away, locked away
And that?s why we?re back
You?re locked away, locked away
And that?s why we?re back

We will let you rise, within the cage, within the cage
You?ll burn all your sins, like burning the purpose of life,
Whitin the cage

Un-dis-co-vered, Undiscovered air
Fleeting in, fleeting out
That?s why we?re back !

I just found the match that could set your house
I?m kissing the grubs on your wounds
And I?m feeling underfed
I just found the match that could set your house

I?m feeding the grubs on your wounds

On, fire.

There?s remaining seats, but there?s no one there to watch
There?s remaining seats, but there?s no one there to watch us over
Yes, we will fight, together this time
Yes, we will fight, together this time
song lyrics

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