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Abysmal lyrics

Fear upon your god
Blasphemer the holy ghost
Blaspheming the only choice
Evil, the only god
That s the prisma it we re see
The liar, what we see
The war out Rotting, the rot of all in me
Fear upon your god Fire in the night
What we are denied Hate of all desire
That s the prism it we re see
The liar, what we see
The war in Remembrance of war...
Here Rotting, all the people die
Scream, the massacre start
Morbid, aberrations are started
And fear... takes my mind...
Take my fucking mind Fear of God Rot me...
Infernal... I see... A Jesus Christ Incinerated
Rotting Christ Fuck the Jesus Christ


In abysmal all the ways of God
Are fucked by splendor of Satan
In abysmal all the demons enjoy
The flesh of fucked virgins died

Rotting, all the people died
Screaming, the massacre start
Morbid, aberrations are started
Living in this hell of desire Bleed for...
This fucking mind Fear upon your god.

This is hell On the earth
Rot all Bleed sins Rot in me Rotting Christ
First verse For this hell
The abyss in me Living for Satan...

The murder of the bastard Christ.
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