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By This Axe I

By This Axe I mp3 songs

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By This Axe I Rule lyrics

Outlaw, Exile of Atlantis
My tribesmen turned on me
They said, I could slay in war
But not in mercy

They tied a girl to a stake to be burned alive
My dagger found her heart mercifully she died

I fled into the sea
Sailing toward my fate
I the Barbarian King

They try to poison me in my wine
They try to kill me in my chambers at night
But I was a man before a King
By This Axe I Rule

Outlaw, Exile of Atlantis
A savage in a foreign land
Valusia was the kingdom
Fate had delivered to my hand

We stormed the castle a howling
My mercenaries and I
Blood drunk wolves in the night

I slew the tyrant King
Took the crown from his gored head
Kull, the barbarian King

They try to poison me in my wine
They try to kill me in my chambers at night
But I was a man before a King
By This Axe I Rule


Outlaw, Exile of Atlantis
I sit the topaz throne
Brooding and seeking
Some sort of meaning alone

I looked into the mirrors of Tuzun Thune
Seeking answers from beyond the stars
Voices cried back to me
Be not bound by the laws of the land
Civilized man can never be free

They try to poison me in my wine
They try to kill me in my chambers at night
But I was a man before a King
Rush in dogs and die!

They try to poison me in my wine
They try to kill me in my chambers at night
But I was a man before a King
By This Axe I Rule


Down drowned forests, sunken mountains
Ride the echoes of valor on ghost white steeds
Legacy of Atlantean Kings
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