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Veins Of Immortality II lyrics

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Veins Of Immortality II lyrics

Dominus Sanguinis Spiritus Sanctus (chant)

Feasting on the Blood, penetrate the flesh
Jugular open wide, spurting immortal life.
Surging with power, your blood makes me strong
Drinking from the veins of immortality.

From roots of your soul essence, deeply I siege the life.
Lusting for the taste of fire, that summons AZRAEL s sign.
Tearing through her soul, engorged, her crimson bleeds
onto my tongue and chalice, I drift into ecstasy.
Pure was her heart and soul
which the Holy Ghost had blessed
yet more pure was the mouthfuls of blood I drank from her breast
As her wine reached my lips, I tasted sweetness, foreign to my soul
sweetness of her holy, pure blood I drained from her dying soul.

Die for me.

You shall bleed for me
a crimson scarlet sea.
Gushing from your soul,
the blood that I let go.

Before thee,
thy fleshed wrist which veils the essence of my being,
the blood of KINGU that flows amidst my veins.
The blood that is eternal.
Mighty is thy Magick and sharp is thy sword.
TIAMAT, forever art thou in eternity.
I am drunk off the blood that flows in the veins of immortality.

Feasting on the Blood, penetrate the flesh
Jugular open wide, spurting immortal life.
Surging with power, your blood makes me strong
Drinking from the veins of immortality.
Indulging in sinful bliss
I leave a bloody kiss
on the forehead of her
corpse white face.
Open are her veins
that bled her soul,
and granted me...
life everlasting.
Drinking from the veins of Immortality
song lyrics

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