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Am I Just One lyrics

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song lyrics
Am I Just One lyrics

I want to tell you in my sleep that you inspire me
I want to paint you in a corner-colored gray
I want to argue make up over Kool-Aid
I want to meet you there and make you feel the same
What you do to me makes me think am I just one
What you do to me

You got a lot of things going on
You got a lot of things going on
You got a lot of things going on

Am I just one
Am I just one
Am I just one

I want to wake up with the dog at the doorjamb
I want to take you there and make sure you get home
It s all fine if you divvy up give it up
Does this environment make you feel at home?
What you do to me makes me think am I just one
What you do to me makes me think
You got a lot of things going on
You got a lot of things going on
You got a lot of things going on

Am I just one (one)

You got a lot of things going on
You got a lot of things going on
You got a lot of things going on

Am I just one
Am I just one
Am I just one
Am I just one
song lyrics

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